To anyone whom this may concern, this is a start to a beautiful journey. A journey that the Lord has planted and deeply rooted in my heart long before i was even aware of the calling in my life. The glorious calling: something that i am completely unworthy of, but so graciously and undoubtedly thankful for.
this journey means the world to me, literally. i will be traveling the world reaching the hearts of lost people. Using the gifts and talents that i am aware of and even those i have not discovered,
i will sacrificially give of myself for the sake of an eternal hope for the empty-hearted.
so please, take this journey with me and watch the miracles that occur in each individual life that is reached with the love of Jesus Christ.
it was the year 2009 and i was in desperate need to be apart of some ministry for the summer of 2010. i contacted my advisor and was pleased to discover that he had a few different options for me. One was traveling across the sea to Mali, Africa and work specifically with Muslims. Sad to say, at first i was somewhat turned off, i had never felt a specific call to reach Muslims, but hey i didn't really feel a call to any one specific people group, so i expressed my interest and we got rolling! The first few months of planning went great and it looked as if i would be heading to Mali May 2010. However, as time went on and months past, communication seemed to become more skewed; plans for me to go to Africa that next summer were not looking too great. In the end, the trip never happened. Nonetheless, i knew that i had a required internship that had to happen for the summer of 2011 (between my junior and senior year). i started immediately on getting things in place and making this trip happen. i was going to make for sure it did not fall through the second time around. Today i am confident in saying, i will be traveling to Bamako, Mali, Africa and will live and breath the culture for almost 7 months. i will bathe my life in prayer and studying of the word to build me up in faith so i may obtain a boldness that will stretch across all cultural barriers. i will be the hands, the feet, the actions, the voice, the love of Jesus Christ....